Tiki Kai Maine Coon Cats
Important: Please be aware that Tiki Kai Maine Coon Cats is doing everything possible to protect our customers and prevent scammers from pretending to impersonate our cattery. We ask that you please only use our one and ONLY website www.tikikaicats.com, our one and only social media page on faceboook https://www.facebook.com/tikikaicats and our one and only email tikikai.ti@gmail.com.
Kitten prices start at $2,500 and up.
We pride ourselves on only breeding high quality Maine Coon kittens. We only use parents who have outstanding pedigrees, health, and genetics, as a result we produce beautiful healthy kittens. All of our kittens are raised underfoot as members of our family. They are exposed to both dogs and other cats. This leads to friendly and above all extremely well adjusted kittens.

Grand Champion Conyers Cat Great Balls of Fire of Tiki Kai
We choose our breeding pairs very carefully. Therefore, we are able to offer an array of spectacular colors. We are, however, a small cattery and have a limited number or breedings per year.

Located on The West Coast of Sunny Florida in Saint Petersburg